No More Boring Book Cover Art

Your stories page doesn’t have to look bland any longer. You can now upload book cover art to all your stories.
We love to hear from our users and implement changes right away! This new feature suggested by one of our loyal users was implemented immediately because we loved it so much.

Having customized cover art designers on our team is on the roadmap. But in the meantime, a really simple and free way to create book cover art is with one of our favorite websites- Canva.
They provide tons of templates for book covers that you can customize and plug into your LivingWriter story!
Here’s the best way to get started. Especially if you’re not ready to publish right away but you’re looking for a way to inspire yourself and help yourself visualize your book as a final product.
If you’re looking for ideas, then start by Googling best-selling books that are similar to the type that you’re writing. Be it self-help, thriller, romance, etc.
Collect the images of the books that you love the most. Then head over to a website like Canva and scroll through their selection of book cover templates that follow the same theme as your own.
Once you’ve selected some that you like, you can begin to customize the title, colors, spacing, and images.
Canva provides images of their own, some of them will cost a dollar or two. Or you can head over to a site like where you can search professional images to use for free.
Try not to get your creative self too distracted in the fun of cover creation, but have fun with it!
To add your cover art to your story on LivingWriter just click on the 3 vertical dots (…) in your story thumbnails and select Cover Image. Now you’ll be able to upload a story image to capture its essence and motivate you at the same time.
Try now for free on LivingWriter!
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