Why LivingWriter Is The Best Writing App For You

The Short Answer
LivingWriter has the best of what other apps have to offer and takes it to the next level. Our solution scales with the times and more importantly, scales with your needs. The ideas and features for the best writing app ever came from writers just like you, and continue to be molded by writers, just like you.

Are you on track to be the next J.K. Rowling?
We’d like to think that if the genius behind Harry Potter used a book writing app to write her books, it’d be LivingWriter. I mean you’d assume she’d use the best writing app and not the lesser ones. Check out her notes on Harry Potters plotting.
Although who knows, we can’t speak for her. Although there are many best-selling authors just like her using LivingWriter! Check out our interviews with them on our Youtube channel.
If you’re a world-builder like she is, LivingWriter can take each one of your magical plot points and organize them neatly into outlines, chapters, and subchapters. Each chapter of your book will have sections for descriptions and notes that you could scribble all over. You can refer back and instantly change your plot points the same way the Mother of Wizards used her pen to scratch out words.

Want to write horror like Stephen King?
The master of horror is also the most vicious proponent of the Rowling type of writing method. Stephen King doesn’t plot at all, he knows the general idea of his book and just goes for it. This is similar to what George R.R. Martin does, which leads us to still not having the final book of Game of Thrones (as of writing).
If you’re a pantser (a writer that flies by the seat of their pants) like these guys are and don’t care about the organization, LivingWriter can help you too. Our editor is top-notch and if you don’t want to use our cooler features like Story Elements, Auto-Suggest, and more, then you can use our editor as is with automatic continuous cloud sync and versioning.
Do you churn out fantasy worlds like Brandon Sanderson?
LivingWriter gives you the ability to add all your crazy characters, fantastic environments, and magical objects into your story before you put down a word. You can even plug your story into one of our time-tested templates like Story Circle or Seven Point Story. If you’re a manic world-builder, this is the best writing app for you. No other platform does what we do with world-building.
Using the magic of story elements, you can have your book come to life. You can even make story elements to put in all the research you’ve been compiling about cultures, places, and things.

Or are you more grounded in reality?
LivingWriter isn’t only made for fiction. I’ve found that it works just as amazingly for writing non-fiction, too. I used LivingWriter to publish my first book How To Lose Weight, Without Losing Your Mind, and for all of my nutrition articles. Writing non-fiction requires tons of planning and research, made incredibly simple with the easy to access notes, story elements, and drag and drop chapter and subchapter features in LivingWriter.
We also now have tons of new non-fiction templates for you to use, including Memoirs, Self-help, and Biographies!
We’ll Help You Get There
Whatever type of writer you want to be, we’ll help you get there.
LivingWriter is ever-evolving and updating (rarely changing). We listen to the suggestions of our writers and implement things quickly and intuitively. If the way you write doesn’t influence the direction LivingWriter grows, then we’re not doing our job right.
We are the best writing app for fiction, non-fiction and anything in between or beyond. Give us a try with no commitment today.